Leadership and Management Programs and Workshops

meaningful and sustainable impact for individuals, organizations and the world

My Conscious Leadership

Our most popular and profoundly impactful program where you discover the authentic leader in you

The Coaching Leader in a Virtual World

A coaching leader unleashes the potential in their team members and creates a workforce of high performing, autonomous individuals. Learn how to adopt the proven coaching skills into a virtual world of remote and hybrid work.

man in blue and white plaid dress shirt using macbook pro
man in blue and white plaid dress shirt using macbook pro
macbook pro displaying group of people
macbook pro displaying group of people

Coming Soon!!

woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting on red and brown couch
woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting on red and brown couch

The world is constantly changing, but one thing remains true:  an organization is only as good as its ability to solve today's problems and exercise agility in new conditions.  Exceptional leaders foster an organization's ability to thrive and innovate, both now and in the future.

At the Leadership Design Studio, we leverage our years of experience and insight to propel people and organizations to unleash their potential, deliver exceptional results and create sustainable growth.


We empower leaders that enrich lives.

Organizational Leadership Development
Personal Leadership Programs
A la Carte Services & Development Solutions

Our leadership programs

Develop high potential leaders at every level with individualised solutions that retain talent and cultivate organizational growth.

Build interdependent teams that drive business results and organizational change through collaborative and innovative leadership development solutions.

Whether through one on one coaching or facilitating your company programs, we can cater our services to meet your business needs.

You're in good company

Proud members of

Receive up to 50-100% in Employee Training Grants!

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) is an Ontario government funding program that offers training grants to employers. Through the program, companies may receive non-repayable funding from the government to purchase third-party business training programs, including training for in-demand skillsets. Training is expected to improve the employability and value employees can provide; including new hires in these training sessions can also maximize your funding potential.

All of our programs are eligible for COJG for Ontario businesses that meet the requirement!

"The workshop with Leadership Design Studio was informative and very engaging. It was a great opportunity for our leadership team to work together and explore alternate leadership styles. We now understand the importance of adjusting our leadership style to not only match the individual, but to match the specific task at hand. This workshop will benefit our employees, organization, and industry for years to come. I highly recommend working with Mike and Laura, as they created a comfortable space for everyone to participate."

- Jon Moyer, Director of Operations

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